Protection prayer

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“The Lord is near to all who call upon Him; to all who call upon Him in truth.”
Psalm 145:18 

As the fight continue between LIGHT over DARKNESS the activities in the spiritual and physical realms are becoming more intense; with human anxiety on high. As such you ought to ensure you are covered and protected by your Holy spiritual guides. Keep in mind, with such intensity your source of strength must be that of the righteous one; GOD.


As I peacefully rest in your arms.
Hold me tight and remember me always.
As I take honor in being committed to you.
With closed eyes, be my shield,
for times may get weary on me.

If ever I stumble, never let me fall.
Use your body as my cocoon; a protective shield
when I’m all out of energy.
When I’m down and out help me replenish for we are one;
my strength lies with you.

When darkness comes and I can’t see my way,
promise you’ll be my day; to shine light and hope
my way.
If fear is present, evoke courage and transform me into
your spirited warrior

When surrounded by thoughts of dismay,
allow me to not sink; for giving in is not an option.
Pave the path ahead oh Lord.
Ensure my angels are forever around to protect me from the
brewing storm.
Avenge my enemies; bring destruction at their steps.
Help me always to find my way.


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I pray these God given words fill your life with God’s assurance in his promises.

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