How to Get Motivated to Achieve Your Goals In Life

Achieving life goals
Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you

James 4 : 8

Do you have goals, but find yourself lacking motivation to start your journey?

Hey hey lovely people, hope all is well !!! Welcome to another post.

As we’re some months well into the new year, why not focus on accomplishments!!!


Maybe you’re on your new year new me kick journey!!!


You’ve made some new years resolutions, but somehow you’re stuck…

If you or someone you know struggle with motivation then have yourself and share this beneficial read. 

“First, have a definite, clear practical ideal; a goal, an objective. Second, have the necessary means to achieve your ends; wisdom, money, material, and  method. Third, adjust all your means to that end.”                  – Aristotle

Be it finance, education, finding a job, job promotion, health, spirituality, mental well-being, personal development or any sort of accomplishment, today I’ll be sharing tips on how to get motivated to achieve your goals in life.

Personally for me I’m not big on the new year new me hype, the new years resolution isn’t my thing. I believe, every second, every minute, every hour, every day, we’re in control of changing anything we want.

In this post I’ll be focusing on how to get motivated to accomplish your goals.

We all have goals we’ll like to accomplish at some point in our earthly life and getting motivated to do so is very important. Believe it or not, some people lack motivation to do anything at all.

Above all, any decision you decide to embark on should start first and foremost with Prayers. It’s important you waste no time, as time can’t be reversed😉. You must ensure your walking path is for you.

Once it isn’t ordained by your God, then hunny, you’ll be headlessly journeying through life, struggling to attain something the universe doesn’t have aligned for you (working overtime, sweating and draining yourself in vain). We should always aspire to walk by faith and not by sight. It’s quit crucial, before planting that seed, your first step should begin by you opening your spiritual lenses to be guided by the most high. Allowing God to lead the way.

It is purposeless to live this life by just existing without a cause.

In starting by identifying your purpose, for some, this isn’t an overnight decision-making process.

A great concept I choose in doing anything is working SMART not HARD.

Thou, this isn’t a cheat sheet. In working smart, it’s inevitable you stumble upon hard and challenging times.

The word SMART stands for (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely)

Now, let’s elaborate on each word in its specificity, and incorporate it into your goal setting plan.


You should be asking yourself questions like:

What are my goals?

What do I want to achieve?

What do I want out of life?

This is very important because you can’t be motivated without having anything to be motivated about or too.

Staying motivated is one thing, but, getting motivated is how and where it all begins. To get to somewhere or something you first need to establish that place or thing you need to get to. In accomplishing your desires, needs or wants, your humanated drive must get activated to bring about a sense of satisfaction.


Now that you’ve identified what you’re working towards, it’s important to map out a structured plan in accomplishing that goal. Allowing your goal to be measurable helps you track your progress at different stages. This gives you an idea of where you’re at and how much you have to go.


Before setting out to venture your mission, it’s important you be real with yourself and your reality. Ensure your life is set up to facilitate such ventures. Having the resources available to aid achievement is important.

Focus on you and what you’re capable of doing. Don’t get side tracked by what others are doing now!!! As my cousin would say “Bat in yuh section


In going about your daily activities it’s sometimes easy to get side tracked. It’s important you keep your vision in mind, ensuring everything you venture into is relevant and right for the betterment, success and completion of your goal/s.


It’s very important you establish a deadline for your specific goal/s. In failing to do so you leave room for PROCRASTINATION. Procrastinating is one thing that comes easy to most. Oh my, this is something I myself always have to remind myself, “QUIT PROCRASTINATING“. Tomorrow turns into next week, next week turns into next month, next month into next year, then time flies and it’s too late. A lot of time you procrastinate, it’s because you’re afraid of doing something challenging, that is to take you out of that comforting bubble of yours.

Believe me when I say, you’ll experience life on a whole different level when you take that leap

So my luvs, in conclusion, I really hope this gives you a start in getting motivated to accomplish your goals.


Please don’t hesitate to ask any question/s your heart desires via CONTACT and subscribe to this blog for more of NATURALLY FREE – the journey.

Once again, it is an honor to have you join me on this journey while I help you become a better being.

If you haven’t already, do subscribe to this blog via email to stay connected and let your journey to light, truth, freedom and peace continue to flow from within. 

Start your journey to a deeper understanding into your human existence, energy flow, spirituality and manifestation via my motivational, educational and inspirational writings.

Until next time…

With Love



👇Comment below👇

How do you get motivated?

👇Related post to visit👇



(13) Comments

  1. I enjoyed this post! I’ve learned this past summer why it’s so important to pray before doing anything. You don’t want to do something that wasn’t in alignment for you. Thanks for posting this!

    1. Naturally Free says:

      My pleasure. You must ensure a purposeful journey in achieving anything you desire. Thanks much for stopping by.

  2. More than anything else, I get motivated by remembering my “WHY.” Keeping my VISION readily at hand keeps me motivated to move through whatever resistance I feel in the task ahead.

    1. Naturally Free says:

      That is so true. Well said. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. I enjoyed this article. Im currently going thru a lifestyle transition and this was interesting to read. I will have to share.

    1. Naturally Free says:

      Greatly appreciated. Transitions aren’t easy. Stay strong my Luv. Thanks much for stopping by. And yes, do share, feel free.

  4. Oh, man… My biggest problem is procrastination. I mean, I have my goals set, I know how to achieve them. But usually I am tired and want to do nothing. I tried to visualise my dreams, I even draw them ofen. But it does not work when I am tired. So the question is: how to reach your goals if you are tired? And it will take a lot of time to re-new the strength…

    1. Naturally Free says:

      This comment is relatable. There will actually be a follow up to this post which I’ll definitely message the link. I recommend you try following the SMART approach as stated in this post. HOW BAD DO YOU WANT TO ACCOMPLISH YOUR GOALS?
      Also do have a read of this post Hope I’m able to bring relief.

    2. Naturally Free says:

      Never forget why you started….
      In reading your comment, I’m gathering you are pretty tired and “burnt out”!!!
      At this point it’s important to invest in self care. Take some time for yourself. Little steps a day would do the trick.

  5. Well said. Thank you for the motivation. I am really needing some.

    1. Naturally Free says:

      It certainly is my pleasure. Thanks much for stopping by. Do have a read of the related post below this. My intent is to motivate and inspire as much as possible

  6. Hi Naturally Free,

    I so agree that it’s important to start any and everything you do with prayer! And we should always walk by faith and not sight! I believe in having a purpose filled life. AND, in working smarter not harder! Great motiviational post!

    1. Naturally Free says:

      Well said luv. Thanks for stopping by and do stay-tuned for more.
      With luv
      NATURALLY FREE ❤️✌️😇

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