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... and Jesus said to his disciples, “Come away by yourself to a deserted place and rest a while.”

Mark 6:31

With everything that’s taking place in the world, more than ever, we need divine intervention and positive spiritual guidance.

This post alongside my other spiritual and motivational writings contain important messages from God for you to heed.

Hi there. Wherever you are, I pray this post finds you peace and rest.

Today, I want you to drop everything. Walk away and seek LIGHT.

Daunting is it?

The thought of hitting pause amidst your hectic life!


Somewhere along the journey of earthly living, many have forgotten the strength of spirituality and the spiritual realm ie. strength of the unseen. As a result, mankind have decided to place reliance in the physical dimension, allowing the manifestation of earthly matters and pleasures to sustain them.

To be lead by your spirit, to some may seem unattainable, to others it remains a distant achievement and to others it’s how they live their earthly life.

Many live this earthly life on a mission to seek only the tangible; to only turn to spiritual when things seem hard to attain.


The time has come where mankind must transcend out of the physical and into the spiritual.

You must stand firm and not waver onto God’s commands and instructions.

When we speak spirituality and seeking connection, like most things in life it’s easier said than done.

When we seek understanding, clarity and answers; understanding of our higher self (out of the physical), we ought to CONNECT to a divine presence.

Think of it as an electrical device and electricity. Without that electrical charge, your device would just be an unoperated face cover.

God is our energy source and strength. Without him we are empty and idle vessels.

Now, you maybe asking, “When/how do I get time to connect to my supreme being?”.

To conclude a long story, “whatever you want in life, you’ll always make time to accomplish.”

Continue reading as I enlighten and guide you to seek positive spiritual guidance.



COME as you are; in need of Divine connection.

Have you ever felt lost, hopeless or spiritually disconnected from life and God?

Full of sin and a lost identity you feel worthless. It is in this state you feel lonely, disgusted and clueless and unimportant.
As a result, you’ve chosen to stay away because you’re ashamed to face the divine being who knows your every sin.

This is not so.

An amazing part of divine connection is that, it is a non judgmental zone. Everyone is welcomed.
How amazing it that?

This is the act of turning your back and stripping yourself of any and everything that will distract you from hearing and feeling your divine presence; GOD.

In this moment, you turn away from worldly noise. These distractors can range anywhere from friends, social activities to all enticing worldly and material pleasures that consume our attention.

Why isolate to connect with God?

You isolate to step away from noise. When seeking spiritual connection with God, it’s really a personal journey. You want that channel to be clear and stay pure.

You really don’t want your personal connection to get contaminated with unwanted energy. More so, you are preventing yourself from connecting to the wrong source.

As mentioned in my post, LIGHT over DARKNESS, "light attracts bugs and insects". The meaning behind these words are here. Stepping away aids in the purification process. 

Proper connection to divine source “GOD” is serious business.

When you have bad service, in all actuality, at times you may be listening to the wrong SPIRIT.

Your channel is consumed by numerous spiritual entities.

You are now being lead. But, led by WHO or led by What?


You enter spiritual connection with God when you think less of yourself and FOCUS your attention on your divine; God.
ASK your spiritual guides for guidance

Ask and you shall receive. It is in isolation and connection to divine energy, God wants you to relieve yourself and lay your burdens onto him.

When you walk your earthly journey alone you are unable to cope with the pressures, stresses and temptation in life.

In isolation with God, you open yourself and ask for your portion of spiritual and physical sustenance.

Set before us are appointed angels who are waiting to intercede on our behalf; clearing our pathway to ensure divine enlightenment.
"The angel of the Lord stands guard over all those who honor him, keeping them safe"       Psalms 34:7
With obedience and trust, ABANDON YOUR SOUL to God and you will not be disappointed in your hope.

There are many battles (seen and unseen) that have been and is being fought on your behalf. Ensuring you are lost on the right side is crucial as it results in your succession of you physical and spiritual challenges.

Many ask the question, “How do you seek God and spiritual guidance?”

Simply to say, the answer is, by freeing your self of earthly pleasures and comforts, material gains and negativity. This allows you to enter spiritual dimensions.

ALLOW God’s words and commandments to reign, taking presidence of your physical and spiritual being.

Lastly, PERSEVERE in prayer and meditation

This is quite an important aspect in succession of your endeavors; Persistence. Most especially in your spiritual life. At times you may become weak and feel like giving up, especially when you don’t get answers and things your way. But my dear friends, demonstrating an act of persistence separates the weak from the strong.

Your spiritual journey and loyalty to God isn’t and cannot be a temporary practice. Divine connection and enlightenment is a continuous journey and practice entailing persistence, dedication and strength.

Take a moment and observe everything that is occurring on the earth today; now ask yourself what type of foundation are you planting yourself on?

A firm, solid and Godly one I expect!

How do you allow Gods word and commands to reign

Practice makes prefect.

By simply devising an everyday ROUTINE, to welcome God into your life to rule and take control; ensuring you connect and draw closer to him and his kingdom.

To help you start your journey, today I challenge you to a 1 month isolation practice.

Here, by adapting the above routine, you will practice a connection to your spirituality and God.

I pray this challenge lasts a lifetime for you.

May you experience the forever ray of LIGHT which awaits you.


You become cleansed and ANEW

God’s power is awakened in you. God takes you away to experience and know him. It is in this silence and state of solitude you hear and feel God’s command, powers, strength and energy abiding in you.

It is a remarkable feeling to know and have God present in you.
You receive immeasurable fruits which sustains your physical and spiritual being; abundant JOY, LOVE, PEACE, FREEDOM and ETERNAL LIFE to name a few.

As mentioned in this post “HOW TO MANIFEST PEACE“, it is fair to say peace is something we all aspire to achieve in life. Peace with self and our environment.

Personally speaking, when one is at peace, you journey life with a state of tranquility and calmness. You are able to approach both favorable and adverse situations with positive assurance. This state of well being can only be attained through God.

Once connected to spirituality and divinity, it is in this transformational process we see and feel God moving us to higher heights.

In God’s presence, we are not meant to stay stagnant. Like trees planted by water, God’s divine powers are poured into us allowing us to soar with blessings.

Connect with God and watch him elevate you.

Click here to learn “How to walk your own path in life

This is a powerful one.
For we are not perfect; we all have fallen short at some point in time.

This very moment I want you to ask God in prayer:

Have mercy on me oh Lord; forgive my wrong doings.
When I fall weak and forget your commands, never turn your back on me.
Keep shining your light on me so I may find my way


Who doesn’t need REST?

With everything that is taking place in the world today, so many challenges and temptations in your personal life, God is calling out to you.

He is shouting, “Come isolate with me and find REST“. Take relief from the burdens of an earthly life.

You will be recharged; only if and when you answer HIS call. Silence yourself and listen to HIM.

In the line-up, which side do you stand on?

Your calling is near; only if you tune in and connect your soul to its divine source shall you be directed.

You will always find me saying and reminding, “Don’t let that boat pass you by now”.
On the day of our final earthly moment and the roll is being called, where would you be directed to?

My dear friends, listen to what I’m saying; wake up before it is too late.
Before the “frontal” works, there are numerous back end tasks taking place for you to walk into your purposeful being

Your spiritual guides, your angels and your divine creator “GOD“, has and is putting things in place for your GLORY. SILENCE YOURSELF and ATTEND to the CALL.

It would be a SIN to ignore these spiritual workers.

Before it is too late, seek God; for we must be covered with God’s protection for the BATTLE to come.

In conclusion, it is so easy to be consumed and caught up with things of this world and stray from spiritual connection. Hence, if one lacks sufficient SPIRITUAL well-being this would result in the succumbing to worldly pressures causing physical and spiritual destruction.

As I close today’s post, I implore you to take a moment today and sit with God. Whatever is troubling your soul, whatever earthly or spiritual problems you are facing, make them known to God. Ask for guidance and his control over the situation; be it financial, health, family, career, education or other major life challenging decision/s. Your Heavenly Father will work it out in your favor.


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Once again, it is an honor to have you join me on this journey while I help you become a better being.

Start your journey to a deeper understanding into your human existence, energy flow, spirituality, natural living and manifestation via my motivational, educational and inspirational writings and poetry

Until next time guys…

With Luv

Naturally Free


(3) Comments

  1. […] for our SPIRITUAL/MOTIVATIONAL […]

  2. Alicia says:

    Loved this

    1. Naturally Free says:

      Thank you my luv.

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